Tuesday, February 11, 2014

"Kyle Cassidy Photographs Librarians"

This Is What Librarians Look Like
Jordan G. Teicher writes about photography for Slate’s Behold blog. Follow him on Twitter.

I thought that this was an interesting article and wanted to share it with the class. I'm quoting bits of it; reading it reminded me of some of the stories we've been sharing in class. And it's about the face of librarianship, huzzah!

"When you think of a librarian, what image comes to mind? Photographer Kyle Cassidy ventured to the American Library Association’s Midwinter Meeting in Philadelphia in January to explore that question. In between networking, educational events, and panels, librarians from across the country stopped by Cassidy’s makeshift studio to sit for a portrait."

"Cassidy’s project also seeks to address the budget cuts and understaffing plaguing libraries across the country today."

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